Sign up your child!
About us
Who we are and what we do
Triibu & Liine watches after your childern all the time
Children daycare is open 5 days a week, Monday to Friday from 7AM to 6PM.
Having a small group helps children in many different developmental fields (emotionally, socially and physically); it also is a great opportunity for a child to practice spending time in a group before kindergarten. Even though daily proceedings in daycare are similar to kindergarten, all the important activities are done by means of games, both indoor and outdoor. Children learn how to manage their skills by gaming engagement. Triibu & Liine daycare supports their individual rate of development.
All teachers actively involved with children have obtained the requested and needed certificates for daycare. To register into daycare fill in the form HERE. Service agreement is conducted individually with parents.
Short-term daycare offers parents the opportunity to use daycare service half-day only (4,5h)
This service is needed for parents who do not work yet but need some time for themselves. Everything offered for a child in full-day daycare, is also granted for half-day (playing, learning and development according to child age). When using these services it is possible to apply for support from municipal administration. Service agreement is conducted individually with parents.
It is possible to rent Triibu & Liine rooms for various occasions
Rooms are great for celebrating birthdays, caterings, children product presentations, hobby groups, baby schools, meeting and different training sessions. Triibu & Liine house has a big garden area with a playground, suited for garden parties and grilling during the summer.
On weekdays, rooms are for rent from 6.15PM, and on weekends from 10AM. To reserve rooms call +372 5342 2104 or send an e-mail with your request at info@triibuliine.ee
Prices of our daycare services
Whole day
5 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 78€
- Saue citys contribution 275€
361€ /month4 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 72€
- Saue citys contribution 240€
321€ /month3 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 50€
- Saue citys contribution 222€
281€ /month2 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 222€
222€ /month
In addition to a regular fee there is a daily food fee 3,10 EUR/day that includes three meals. Money for missed days is calculated back starting from the second day missed.
Attention! Other municipalitys have different contribution sizes and orders.
Half a day
4,5 hours 5 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 46€
- Saue citys contribution 275€
321€ /month4,5 hours 4 days a week
- Saue linna lapsevanem 41€
- Saue linna toetus 240€
- Parent in Saue city 41€
- Saue citys contribution 240€
281€ /month4,5 hours 3 days a week
- Parent in Saue city 19€
- Saue citys contribution 222€
241€ /month
Half a day contracts are added additional 2.80 EUR/day fee that include two meals. Money for missed days is calculated back starting from the second day missed.
Attention! Other municipalitys have different contribution sizes and orders.
Daycare by hour, at night and at weekend
Weekday evening
- From 17.30 to 23.00
- In Triibu & Liine daycare 5€/h
- Other location 7€/h
- From 8.00 to 19.00
- In Triibu & Liine daycare 5€/h
- Other location 7€/h
5€/hAt night
- From 19.00 to 8.00
- In Triibu & Liine daycare 4,54€/h
- Other location 6€/h
4,54€/hSingle day in a daycare
When none of the monthly plans are suitable a daycare can be ordered by day.
25€ /day
Daycare room rental 20€/ h
Sign up your child
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Agenda and other info
Useful info
•7-8.50AM Children arrival
•9AM Breakfast
•9.30AM Developing activities, indoor
•10.30AM Playing, indoor or outdoor
•12PM Lunch
•12.30PM Bedtime story and nap
•3PM Wake-up call
•3.30PM Snack-time
•4-6PM Playing, indoor or outdoor, before going home
• A child should wear comfortable clothes, easy to put on and take off. There should be an extra pair of clothes in the locker and pyjamas for nap-time. Please consider the weather and dress your child accordingly.
• Please wear sandals or shoes with closed heels.
• For a child with diapers please wear napkin pants: it makes potty training easier!
• In the evening please check your own locker and take home with you wet or dirty clothes.
• Please put name tags on child clothes and shoes.
Falling ill
• For the health of other children we kindly ask not to bring in sick children. A child feeling bad and/or having a cold will not have the strength to be in the daycare, while representing a threat for the health of others.
• In case any child starts to feel ill while in the daycare, we will immediately contact his/her parents.
• Teachers uphold the right not to accept ill child in the daycare (cough, wet nose, red eyes, diarrhea, etc.)
• Please inform us of your child’s allergies for food products.
• Teachers will not give children any medicines in the daycare.
• Any children can bring their own toys and dummies to the daycare.
• Daycare is not responsible in case toys break.
• It is not allowed to bring to the daycare military and dangerous toys as well as toys that can easily break into small pieces (e.g., LEGOs untargeted for the child age).
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